Stop Doing New Year's Resolutions And Instead Do This

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

I don’t know about you, but I really SUCK at New Year’s Resolutions and don’t think they really work. We tend to put all this pressure on ourselves and then we just end up failing before we really make the effort.

Don’t get me wrong; I love the New Year and New You Moto! However, I believe what is more powerful and effective than NY Resolutions are making the transformation to healthy living. It becomes a daily practice and not a first of the year goal and we never accomplish. We have only 1 body to support us in this life so why not treat it with love.

In this blog, I will share with you some tips on how to create a life that will help you transform your health so you can stop doing New Year's resolutions.

Easy Tips On How To Make Your Health Goals Attainable For The New Year That Lasts All Year Long

First, it is important to reflect on the past year and take inventory on how you did. Winter is the best time of year for doing the inner work according to Eastern Medicine. This isn’t the time of year to be working so hard and burning your Qi. So this means you have plenty of time to reflect, dream, plan, and execute. Now you can breathe easily and feel relaxed in this process of starting new health goals. Try to flow with the season and start planning your garden of life for the new year.

Questions To Ask yourself…

What went well over the year?

Did you fulfill our goals from last year?

Where did you fail?

How can you improve?

Where do you want to go from here?

Next, is the fun part; I dare you to dream BIG! What is your vision for this year? Do you want to loose 10 pounds, get off a particular medication, prevent surgery, or eliminate knee pain so you can run a marathon?

Once you have your goal or vision it is very important to be clear on your why? You will be less inspired and motivated without a why.

Let’s use weight loss as an example.

Do you want to loose 10 pounds to fit in this sexy dress or want to avoid becoming diabetic because you have diagnosed as pre-diabetic?

Who is this person that is 10 pounds lighter? Who do you need to become to make this goal happen. What are the qualities that you need to work on in order to make this goal achievable?

Be sure to have this written down. Your words are everything and the contract you make with yourself is super important. Just having thoughts in your head makes it less powerful and so much easier to not to commit to yourself. Remember, you are transforming your life for the better.

Next, create a doable plan of action. So instead of just saying I am going to loose 10 pounds; try I am going to loose 10 pounds by the end of 3 months and have an actual date. Breaking goals into quarterly periods seems more achievable to me. Now you know your monthly goal for weight loss. So the next question is how are you going to loose 3-4 pounds each month? What’s the plan? How often to do you need to exercise? What changes do you need to make with your diet? Get clear!

Write your action plan out. Have a check list and put it in your calendar. You will be more accountable if you do.

Find your support team whether it’s your spouse, friend, trainer, or healthcare provider. The buddy system will help keep you on track.

Make healthy living a priority and the rest will fall into place with a well thought out plan.

If you need some extra guidance or help your health goals, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I would be honored to help you rock this year.

You’ve got this! I am cheering you all the way to the finish line.

If you or someone you know needs help, please call the Chapel Hill clinic today at (919) 726-6540.

In Good Health,


#NewYearResolutions #healthgoals