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Acupuncture Can Effectively Treat Endometriosis

Acupuncture treats endometriosis
Chapel Hill, NC acupuncture clinic treats endometriosis.

Since I specialize in pain relief, I started getting patients struggling with endometriosis. Did you know that every 1 woman out of 10 has endometriosis. This stat blew my mind! That's why I decided to take advance training regarding this gynecological condition. In this blog, I will share with you how acupuncture can treat Endometriosis.

"Stacy was able to get my chronic pain down to a more manageable level. Some days I had very little to no pain at all. That’s a big accomplishment for this disease. Stacy is very knowledgeable and compassionate. Stacy has passion for what she does and is just a great person. Out of all my years working with doctors I’ve had the most positive results with Stacy Spence. I highly recommend Stacy Spence to anyone."

Thousands of years ago when Chinese Medicine was developed, women didn't experience what we today call endometriosis. However, women did struggle with painful menstruation, profuse menstrual bleeding, and infertility.

So when I break down each western diagnosis, I translate that into a Chinese Medical disease. From there, I can uncover the root diagnosis that is the cause for endometriosis. A patient might end up with multiple Chinese Medical diagnosis for endometriosis, but this brings my focus on addressing why these symptoms are occurring.

Do we know what causes Endometriosis?

Western medicine hasn't found a definite cause for why a woman will develop endometriosis. There are multiple theories like retrograde menstruation, surgical scar implantation, endometrial cell transportation and immune system disorder.

According to Chinese Medicine, there is a famous saying...

"Tong Ze Bu Tong, Bu Tong Ze Tong"

"If there is pain, there is no free flow; if there is free flow, then there is not pain"

My job as an acupuncturist is to play detective to uncover what is causing the hidden blockage that preventing the blood and Qi to move freely. This is where it gets complicated, because most patients have a mixed pattern of deficiencies and excess. I won't bore you with the details.

How is Endometriosis Tested and Diagnosed?

Western Medicine diagnosis endometriosis with pelvic exams, laparoscopy, pelvic ultrasounds, and MRI.

In Chinese Medicine, I perform a different set of diagnostic tests that will provide me with the data that will allowing me to make a proper diagnosis through tongue examination, medical pulse exam, and abdomen palpation. I am looking to find if there are any organ dysfunctions that can be the culprit to why these symptoms are occurring.

Is there an effective treatment for ENDOMETRIOSIS?

Western medicine prescribes pain medication to help patients try to live a functional life with the pain. Other options are hormonal therapy, surgery, and hysterectomy.

Chinese Medicine and acupuncture is very effective at treating endometriosis with a proper diagnosis. Here is a little about my process for endometriosis patients.

We first start with a new patient exam that 60 minutes where we discuss her health history especially the menstrual history. Other topics may include diet and lifestyle. Then a physical exam is perform that will include blood pressure, temperature, abdominal examination, tongue diagnosis, and medical pulse exam. Once I have a working diagnosis the next step is to create a treatment plan for the patient.

I use a variety of modalities to reduce pain and inflammation, balance hormones, and relax myofascial tension in the pelvic floor. Modalities generally includes acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, Chinese herbal formulas, and nutritional therapy.

Acupuncture and electro-acupuncture provide excellent pain relief options for endometriosis while improving circulation in the reproductive organs, moving Qi and blood in areas that are blocked and addressing any organ dysfunction. There are excellent endometriosis Chinese herbal formulas provide an additional help with helping keep the blood and Qi moving, improving any imbalances that could be hormonal and organ related. It is important to address diet so the body has all the proper building blocks to heal.

Thanks for reading my blog regarding endometriosis and hopefully you have a learned how acupuncture can effectively treat it. As a thank you, I would like to offer you a Free Endometriosis Consultation. We can meet and discuss if this the right path for and I can answer any questions you may have.

Wishing you a VIBRANT LIFE!




Effects of acupuncture for the treatment of endometriosis-related pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Acupuncture And Herbs Ameliorate Endometriosis

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Stacy Spence, LAc. MSOM



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